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PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 1:51 pm    Post subject:

with all they hype about ol' mate N/A going on, i did a fair bit of reminiscing over what gifthorse did for the place... i've learnt alot of stuff since i last tried (yes, tried) to answer him, so i'm gonna try again. i'll try and go through every single point of his, and destroy them all in the name of Jesus.

starting with this one.
gifthorse wrote:
2. In Matthew 22:29-30, Jesus says 'You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.' Now, where in the bible do we find the scriptures Jesus is talking about? You won't find them. In fact, the scriptures reffered to actually come from the Book of Enoch. Now for the interesting part, the Book of Enoch is not considered to be the word of God. So either Jesus was quoting in error, meaning he is not divine, or the bible is not infallible. Which is it?

now, by my understanding, jesus was the divine logos, the living word. out of his mouth flowed divine truth. the prophecies recorded in scripture, are held to be inspired by God, also divine truth. prophecy (inspired messages) are not limited to a bunch of dead jews in the back to old testament, come to my church for long enough, you'll hear it first hand. modern christians evaluate and record prophecies, print them out, and refer to them just as they would scripture. it doesn't need to be two thousand years old to be true, to be inspired by God, and it doesn't need to be in the bible to be inspired by God. the book of enoch wasn't in the bible, that doesn't mean it (or even parts of it) was not divine prophecy.

gifthorse wrote:
If one is quoting with a definitive nature about spiritual matters (as is the case), then yes it does need to be the word of God to have any weight.

prophecy = word of god, not necessarily written by a dead jew OR recorded in the bible.

there you have it, i think i've sorted that one, even though i disagree with this quotation... time and time again i've driven back satan not by quoting scripture, but by quoting Patton.

So either Jesus was quoting in error, meaning he is not divine, or the bible is not infallible. Which is it?

ladies, gentlemen, i present to you the third option, omitted until now: the argument, though appearing well built, eventually toppled like so many others.
I am Mario!
PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 5:23 pm    Post subject:

Thats a funny game...
PostPosted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 4:09 pm    Post subject:

clairey wrote:
I know Johnny better than a lot of you... except maybe Penny Razz but you know what i mean...

yeah, we know what you mean, if you know what i mean...
PostPosted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 4:07 pm    Post subject:

haha, i have a feeling he wouldn't be on this forum...or talk like the gift horse does/did. Razz
PostPosted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 4:04 pm    Post subject:

I know Johnny better than a lot of you... except maybe Penny Razz but you know what i mean...
I am Mario!
PostPosted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:42 pm    Post subject:

you never know...
PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 4:05 pm    Post subject:

haha, as if Johnny would be on this forum...
I am Mario!
PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 1:59 pm    Post subject:

Johnny doesn't know us, but he did use to wear our uniforms.

Plus he was brought up in a Christian home but has gone away from God, meaning he must have some reason which he thinks is valid.
PostPosted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 1:59 pm    Post subject:

i was thinking this morning, about the whole leviticus thing, something to do with interpretations (i still haven't worked out what that means!). about wearing cloths wovern of two materials or something. then i started to think about his identity.

the gift horse wrote:
if I recall correctly, your own school uniform is a mix of polyester and cotton. How can you call yourself christian, while blatantly ignoring the words of your own God?

a little while later:

the gift horse wrote:
as for my identity, i don't actually know any of you.

how does he know what our uniforms are made out of if he doesn't know us? how does he know that our school even has uniforms? pwned again.
PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 3:05 pm    Post subject:

I reckon when Jesus said "I am THE way, THE truth and THE Light"
PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 1:08 pm    Post subject:

so i says to meself, i says, "ah'll fix 'at smartarsed flamin' bludger!"

where christ claims to be god.

Joh 8:58. (KJV) Jesus said unto them, 'verily, verily, I say unto you, before abraham was, I am.'

1: "i am" here is probably a reference to I AM WHO I AM

2: here he states implicitly that he was present at creation, therefore is not a creation, but god. if no implication was meant, then it simply means he was present before abraham was born. i like it better the other way.

i know there's a few "probably" type things in there. if you don't like it then there's always darwin.

i had an idea there was no need to go on a rant about german shepherds!
Mr Mittens
PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 1:08 pm    Post subject:

dosthecat wrote:
i don't understand this person... he doesn't know ANY of us, yet he comes to a more-or-less private forum, not knowing any of us, just to start a fight. as for the idea of disproof of god, of COURSE if somebody is shown an absolute (that's a pretty dangerous word to be throwing around, what with scepticism and nihilism and stuff) disproof of their faith and still believes it, they're mad. now when you wrote that, what point did you have in mind?
EXACTLY! Why on earth would you come into here?

Looking for a fight? Looking for answers him/herself by trying to prove something wrong? Try looking for the right answers as opposed to trying to make something the wrong answers. But hey, you probably wont even see this post, i just hope that you find what your looking for, or at least what you think your looking for.
PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 10:55 am    Post subject:

dosthecat wrote:
i don't understand this person... he doesn't know ANY of us, yet he comes to a more-or-less private forum, not knowing any of us, just to start a fight. as for the idea of disproof of god, of COURSE if somebody is shown an absolute (that's a pretty dangerous word to be throwing around, what with scepticism and nihilism and stuff) disproof of their faith and still believes it, they're mad. now when you wrote that, what point did you have in mind?

Sounds like patrick!
PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 10:07 am    Post subject:

i don't understand this person... he doesn't know ANY of us, yet he comes to a more-or-less private forum, not knowing any of us, just to start a fight. as for the idea of disproof of god, of COURSE if somebody is shown an absolute (that's a pretty dangerous word to be throwing around, what with scepticism and nihilism and stuff) disproof of their faith and still believes it, they're mad. now when you wrote that, what point did you have in mind?
PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 6:54 am    Post subject:

Your logic is correct. To have free will without suffering is impossible. But then, I thought nothing was impossible for God?

I read this somewhere, there is a word for it, but some things are impossible for God. For example, it's impossible for God to sin.
PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 1:39 am    Post subject:

no... NO!!! Dont leave me! I still love you! Why arn't you replying to all of my PMs? I must Email you, i will not let our relationship fail so easily!

Examines post

*wets himself of laughter*

That is the best post on thoih.

Hilariousness Level = 10 Razz
English = 7 Razz
Dramatic input = 100 Razz

Total = 100 Razz

Well done Razz
Mr Mittens
PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 11:09 pm    Post subject:

no... NO!!! Dont leave me! I still love you! Why arn't you replying to all of my PMs? I must Email you, i will not let our relationship fail so easily!
the gift horse
PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 10:59 pm    Post subject:

This will be my last post. No point staying where I'm not wanted. If anyone wants to continue the discussion of my points (I doubt it; but you never know), feel free to email me at

As for my identity, well I don't actually know any of you.

Then that wouldn't be free will.

Your logic is correct. To have free will without suffering is impossible. But then, I thought nothing was impossible for God?

first question: this is just grade three reading-comprehension. why do the hypocrites pray in the synagogues and on the street corners? To be seen by men. when you pray for no other reason than to be seen by men, then you are a hypocrite. on assembly, if they pray only to be seen by the people of the assembly, then, well...

Read the verse again. Not only does Jesus say not to be a hypocrite, he says not to pray like a hypocrite. A nice mistake considering your pleasent treatment of my own reading comprehension.

second question: DOES the book of enoch need to be the word of God to be true? are all words other than those found in the bible false?

If one is quoting with a definitive nature about spiritual matters (as is the case), then yes it does need to be the word of God to have any weight. In the fourth century, the Council of Laodicea declared that the Book of Enoch was contrary to the word of God and ruled it out of a place in the Bible. Now either the Council was in error, meaning the Bible is in error or Jesus is in error, meaning he is not divine. There are no other alternatives.

third. i don't give a damn, couldn't be bothered going over every single page in the bible just to prove you wrong. go on fornicating, but if anyone wants to get all religious legalism on us, you have plenty of other rules follow first. like love the Lord your God.

IIRC, the verses you are looking for lie in Acts and Deuteronomy. The Acts quote is ruled out because it is a mistranslation, and the Deuteronomy case refers to it as sin because the virginity of the girl is considered property of her father. Since society has progressed into a stage where the father does not own his daughter, it is safe to say that laws banning fornication are among those that have become irrelevent with time.

fourth question, this is my favourite...

Then I admire your lack of materialism. However, I'm sure you would agree that your disposition is a rarity among christians, demonstrating how modernisation of christianity has lost the message.

fifth question. i'll have to actually get my bible for this, you bastard! make me get up would you... first of all, "only god is good!" christ had a pretty good record for humility, which is why he said this, out of humility. he also did this to glorify his Father. luke 3:38, adam was the son of god. fast forward from adam and eve about four thousand years, and we have mary, a daughter of adam. Mary, who was made in god's image concieves with god, and hey! we get god! put a german shepherd with another german shepherd, and wow, you get another german shepherd. *

Indeed, quite flawed (no point arguing over details since we already agree). So, do you have another argument or do you concede the point?

sixth question. i already said. nobody's perfect. can't remember whereabouts in the bible, but anyway. "all men have sinned. all have fallen short of God's glory" it is not HUMANLY (get that, humanly!) possible to obey every single one of the laws of moses, let alone the commands given by the prophets and jesus. hell, love thy neighbour is hard enough to live by as it is! hey, i respect anyone who throws out all their fabric-blended clothes out of religious zeal, but christ already died for that. the debt HAS BEEN PAID with his blood.

THis question was not intended to be a direct argument on its own. I realised someone would use the other translation and my response to that contains my real intentions.

about that absolute disproof of my religion that you're so eager to locate, it would need to be absolute before i changed anything.

Oh I don't have a disproof of GOd. As has been pointed out, such things are impossible. The important thing is that you admit you would change your beliefs, the alternative would be insanity.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 10:53 pm    Post subject:

its barely holding together

Fixable? or to much effort Razz
PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 7:47 pm    Post subject:

Budderball wrote:
i got a tartan skirt from the salvo shop - lol i get a discount - but yeh it was for my coustume as william wallace!@

Gosh - lucky you added that last bit in...otherwise i would have been worried...very worried Razz
PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 7:45 pm    Post subject:

i got a tartan skirt from the salvo shop - lol i get a discount - but yeh it was for my coustume as william wallace!@
PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 7:44 pm    Post subject:

Ads wrote:
I congratulate on that post because it actually made sense, but something in there made me lol. I think it was the Lifeline reference...

I shop at Lifeline...they have the most 'unique' clothing Razz My $1.50 pink-yellow-orange-flowery vest is finally coming to the end of its time...its barely holding together Crying or Very sad
PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 7:41 pm    Post subject:

Gosh elliot... why not do a longer post next time lol
PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 3:51 pm    Post subject:

The Gift Horse: Rebel Without a cause
PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 1:17 pm    Post subject:

I congratulate on that post because it actually made sense, but something in there made me lol. I think it was the Lifeline reference...
Jr W
PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 10:48 am    Post subject:

Double Post!
PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 7:35 am    Post subject:

...thats why i like makes perfect sense: either right or wrong...
PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 10:40 pm    Post subject:

about that absolute disproof of my religion that you're so eager to locate, it would need to be absolute before i changed anything.

i'm proud of my huge post, even if it is huge. mr gift horse, i hope you've learned that:
a) christianity will not be disproved any time soon; and
b) truth does not only exist in scripture.

just to send that last point home, let's have some pythagoras' theorem. In any right angled triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. truth? you decide. (now is when you go on a raging quest to disprove pythagoras' theorem instead of being on a raging quest to disprove the bible, christianity, and faith in general)

oh yeah, fred, if that's you, i'll be happy to talk to you in person. maybe we can work out whatever bothers you about christianity... or you can just bottle it all up.
PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 10:09 pm    Post subject:

paraphrasing this not only reduce the read, but to highlight my perspectives.

the gift horse wrote:
some questions.

1. about public prayer: ...for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men.

2. [about the book of enoch] either Jesus was quoting in error, meaning he is not divine, or the bible is not infallible. Which is it?

3. Can you show me a place in the bible where sex between two consenting, unmarried persons is said to be a sin?

4. How do you reconcile your own large number of material possesions with Matthew 19:21

5. Can you show me a place in the bible where Jesus claims to be God...?

hint: the terms christ and messiah do not imply divinity, they translate to 'annointed one.' Even the messiah was never prophesised to be divine.

6. 'Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material.' How can you call yourself christian, while blatantly ignoring the words of your own God?

first question: this is just grade three reading-comprehension. why do the hypocrites pray in the synagogues and on the street corners? To be seen by men. when you pray for no other reason than to be seen by men, then you are a hypocrite. on assembly, if they pray only to be seen by the people of the assembly, then, well...

second question: DOES the book of enoch need to be the word of God to be true? are all words other than those found in the bible false? what about descartes: i think, therefore i am. sounds pretty true to me.

third. i don't give a damn, couldn't be bothered going over every single page in the bible just to prove you wrong. go on fornicating, but if anyone wants to get all religious legalism on us, you have plenty of other rules follow first. like love the Lord your God.

fourth question, this is my favourite. the most costly material possession i own is my violin at a cool $4000. next to that, everything else i own is dirt. most of my clothes used to be my father's, or grandfathers, or bought at LIFELINE (i heart my 50c jeans). then there are those things that don't belong to me, but i use anyway, such as the TV, computer, stereo. I don't have authority under the law of this country to sell those, otherwise i would. now about that violin. i intend to use it later in my life to glorify god, to spread his word, and i have used it for that purpose as late as two weeks ago, which is pretty good considering that i generally make a point out of practicing alone. the strangest thing is that i don't even avoid material possessions becuse christ said so, but so that people will think i am poor. the advantage of this is that shallow people try to avoid me, if not insult me. when people slander me, it's like water off a duck's back. just doesn't affect me. compare that to being friends with a shallow person for years and then getting stabbed in the back.

fifth question. i'll have to actually get my bible for this, you bastard! make me get up would you... first of all, "only god is good!" christ had a pretty good record for humility, which is why he said this, out of humility. he also did this to glorify his Father. luke 3:38, adam was the son of god. fast forward from adam and eve about four thousand years, and we have mary, a daughter of adam. Mary, who was made in god's image concieves with god, and hey! we get god! put a german shepherd with another german shepherd, and wow, you get another german shepherd. *

sixth question. i already said. nobody's perfect. can't remember whereabouts in the bible, but anyway. "all men have sinned. all have fallen short of God's glory" it is not HUMANLY (get that, humanly!) possible to obey every single one of the laws of moses, let alone the commands given by the prophets and jesus. hell, love thy neighbour is hard enough to live by as it is! hey, i respect anyone who throws out all their fabric-blended clothes out of religious zeal, but christ already died for that. the debt HAS BEEN PAID with his blood.

fred, or whoever you are, you had my respect until you went and called me names. maybe you should get to know who you're talking to (not to mention about) before you go categorising them, calling them pharisees or materialists or whatever.

*i think there's a flaw in my logic there. oh shit, i just ACKNOWLEDGED another one of my faults! well, there goes my career as a pharisee! just thought i'd point out my own problem there, instead of gift horse (side: is that a play on trojan, beware of greeks bearing gifts?) pointing it out for me using the most sensational phrasing he can think of.
Mr Mittens
PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 2:08 am    Post subject:

The song 'Don't stop until you get enough' just came into my head then...

To answer Chris' question you wait until capt dos and other long name man answers the questions before yours. But meh, thia ia the religion forum! We can do anything we like! *gets spraypaint*

And to answer Chris' question ....
Next question, what do you do when you can't stop sinning?

You get an anti-sin nicorete patch. Either that or go cold turkey. Or Burkey

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