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That Guy
PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 11:05 pm    Post subject: well

well since the topic is really anything not with a scrren im in !!!
Jr W
PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 7:49 pm    Post subject:

Wednesday - Wrestling then Sof2 (school)
Thursday - I eventually have to go and fix a computer (school possible)
Friday - church, kyle's, fishing
Saturday - Dad's
PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 6:40 pm    Post subject:

we're telling you what days we're busy, busy = piss off, not doing anything = bug me Razz
PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 6:08 pm    Post subject:

ahem, i was basically after either, "i'm in!", or "leave me alone". i'm a bit confused by all the what everyone's doing... but give it time, my head will work properly again someday...
PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 9:23 pm    Post subject:

Tuesday - No idea
Wednesday - SoF2 match with Benny-boy
Thursday - See Tuesday
Friday - Church that morning, no idea about afternoon
Saturday - Should be free for the planned excursion
Sunday - Church and probably brunch with friends

Note - nights not available due to mother being protective and me enjoying my music too much, may be different if it's the weekend and I know ahead of time.
PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 9:19 pm    Post subject:

Tuesday - Night Accounting Exam most likely then CNC all night.

Wednesday - Last day at school. Sof2 Match, CNC all night Razz

Thursday - Dunno

Friday - Fishing! hopefully LoL

Onwards - Gaming, fishing and eating.
PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 9:13 pm    Post subject:

i will be in adelaide on wednesday onwards... so im not help - just to make sure you guys know!
Mr Mittens
PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 9:04 pm    Post subject:

Not sure about Saturday. Me and Eliza want to do something that day (like, together, not in a group) But not sure whats happening there still.

So until further notice im out of that

Tomorrow - After school we're (me chris and ben so far) are going to go to the vacant lot near my area, the new one with all of the dirt to play in... the dirt.

Wednesday - you lose me and chris to the wrestling... sad but true. We'll be free that night if anyone wants to do anything

Thursday - Apparently a lot of us are going to pankakes, not sure whats happening there yet

Friday - Me and chris are going to church, going to kyles and then i have a family dinner so im out the whole day.

Saturday - As i said before, hopefully day with Eliza

And then on go nuts Smile
PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 8:57 pm    Post subject:

um, trying to put together an adventure for saturday. so far i've asked alot of people about doing it on friday, but i realised everything will be shut on account of Good Friday... so saturday.

yeah, if you like it'd be good to register interest, whether you prefer to meet us at a rendesvous or have our expotition collect you from your door, the idea at the moment is to walk around conscripting people to come with us, have mischief, swear at buses, all the while trying to convince random strangers to join us. then we go to aldi, trying to arrive as close as possible to closing time, thereby causing further mischief... yeah, most of youse have some way of contacting me, whether by replying (naturally), pm, MSN, phone, whatever. but other than that, conscription protocol permits us to rock up at your door and ask noisily and bothersomely to join us, so if you're very much disinterested, post about it, we'll leave you alone.

i get abit tired of having so much time and so little mischief during the first half of most sets of holidays...
PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 8:33 pm    Post subject:

haha lol little fella who calls you charlie lol... yeh ill be in - make it a saturday... i dont work saturdays - although whatever day you pick i hopefully will be able to make it... Ill be a lookout lol!
PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 8:04 pm    Post subject:

ummm.. awhile back omni suggested we devote a day to playing with fire and electricity. i'm thinking first sunday of school term, straight after church. other than that, suggest a day or if someone cares to, do one of those crazy MSN-invite-everyone-to-organise-something convos.

there will be rules though, number one is 'no responsible people.' we don't want to have any good influences around, telling us we're doing the wrong thing, don't burn this, don't electrocute that, etc... because that will be not fun. (as fun). and we need to be alert, for coppers and non-shifty people. i don't want any repeats of that night's fun. except the fun, non-scary bits.

(it'd need to be after start of school, coz i want that little crazy guy that isn't allowed scissors in on it, if we can.)
PostPosted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 11:33 pm    Post subject:

dosthecat goes for another walk.

well, i left looking for flowers, in a park near my place... so the obvious place to end up at was school. i sort of found myself on the swings, in the park near where shaney gets picked up, dog in tow, and thought i should at least walk down naomi street, to see if anyone was in the school. i got as far as the top of the hall. then, seeing no cars, gay buses or people peeping out of windows, dashed into the open gate leading behind the hall, and oh joy, the lights that are usually on, those ugly yellowed fluorescent ones, weren't. so i yay'd, because it was r8 dark.

but then i headed down past the office stairs, tempted to take a piss on them. i continued down to the spot near H block, the lunch spot, thinking, 'zomg, i'm in the school, at 10:30pm, with me dog, in the holidays, in complete darkness'. i sat down on one of the chairs or whatever at the lunch spot, figuring that it was way-past-my-bedtime-anyway, i layed down and shut my eyes for a little while.

i got up, without so much as a minute of sleep, because the dog was distressed. i am excited. i walk around for a little while under G and E block, lighting matches and throwing them up in the air, giggling. and then i almost left the schoolgrounds via the oval. except when i saw that the bottom gate was open (the way my mind works is none of your business). so i turned back towards H block, the lunch spot, sat under the tree in the 'i'm over it' corner. burnt up the rest of my matches, any ants that were unlucky enough to be spotted by me. i sat there for a little while, before exclaiming, 'i'm over school!' , ditching the matchbox and leaving.

then i went home via loitering at bundamba station,occasionally glaring at people, and generally acting like i was on drugs. got home, drank SARS, felt like writing. so i did.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 8:45 pm    Post subject:

well bugger ya then!

anyway, my current list-of-people-to-catch-up-with is down to dean-man, walterssss, wilkins, norman, chris, shara, and other folks who'll be at church tomorreh. unless they're all whingey from planetshaking. ahh well, i won't miss them, i got a job to do there anyway.
Jr W
PostPosted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 8:22 pm    Post subject:

And we set the toad on fire. Hate to say though Elliott but I'm pretty much booked all week.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 6:55 pm    Post subject:

ummm, someone wanna organise something? something fun, perhaps?

i dunno, i wanna hav another get-together... but last time i tried to throw something together it ended a catastrophic failure/success/failure.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 3:17 pm    Post subject:

roffle, me+nina+shane+chris saw the best busted canie wed. night, it had its guts all spilled out, you could see the stomach and oesophagus and everything. it was fresh too.

news: dad said yes to fishing thing, monday or tuesday (someone poll that for me? i'm too much of a noob.), rendesvous my place, anywhere between 7 and 9.

what day do y'all prefer?
PostPosted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 3:09 pm    Post subject:

i seriously hate magpies... give me the shits!

i like driving... it gives me enjoyment - much like claire, minus the running - and i ran over my first cane toad the other day; io was proud Very Happy !
PostPosted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 2:42 pm    Post subject:

yeah, walking ftw.

the clouds, and it's so... repetitive. just step, step, step. and then there's the outside thing that you just don't get in a car. especially in september; you just can't beat the thrill you get from being underneath magpies.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 12:35 pm    Post subject:

hmm cars. that reminded me of ben ogrady.

he always drops around my house to see Nick, usually when ive just been for a lovely 10km run or so. Heres what usually happens:

Ben: what've you been up to claire?

Me: a 10km run

Ben: hahaha. what a freak. how long did that take?

Me: 45 minutes

when Ben's leaving... he usually goes "well im gonna go drive 10km, in about 2 minutes"

he seriously does not see the reason why i run. its obviously for enjoyment...not to get places. derr. seeing as i end up where i started anyway.

but cars. yuk. i much prefer public transport. thats if i can't walk wherever i have to go.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 11:43 am    Post subject:

not me... i'm not a big fan of das auto. especially not when it's got people in it other than immediate family. the music thing again.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 10:10 am    Post subject:

lol haha. You know what we all need. A car. That way we can go anywhere and not be restricted by walking distance of parental transport (shittiest public transport system available).
PostPosted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 11:33 pm    Post subject:

i bet... you would let in... a small, shivering girl in mid-winter. at least for a little while, till i showed up proving you wrong.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 11:25 pm    Post subject:

if you don't tell me why, i'll test you on it...
PostPosted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 11:11 pm    Post subject:


Never turn up at my house at midnight.. or hell, even night time... I wont let you in, that goes out to everyone.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 10:56 pm    Post subject:

phooken, monday night then?

edit, there hass to have been sun the previous day or so, otherwise there'll be mud all over, stuff will be flammable but wet. which is sad.

edit some more, my place it is. maybe. i have shit all entertainment here, so, yeah. except sleep, intellectual conversation.

edit and then some: dad demanded i wash my shoes from new year's, i got very depressed, coz now they're white... they look like someone, well, washed them...
Mr Mittens
PostPosted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 10:55 pm    Post subject:

Not at my place, i had places to go the next day early on... sorry guys
PostPosted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 10:54 pm    Post subject:

sunday nite? shanes place, phooken, after nighttime church. 9ish. good?

i'll bring a rod maybe.

hell yeah, organising stuff at other people's place wihtout them knowing.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 9:32 pm    Post subject:

rofl actually yea im piss bored atm lets organise another midnite excursion.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 7:14 pm    Post subject:

Good stuff Elliot
PostPosted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 9:32 pm    Post subject:

understandable chris, but i reckon any amount of slaughtering would be outweighed by the time we had... we woulda been the worst convicts though, reckon every other word woulda been giggle...

edit: i reckon we should do something again soon. i almost left for ben's joint today, rod in hand, demanding to go fishing some more. yes, i'm already bored after last night.

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