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PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:51 pm    Post subject:

I was just chanting "too long / didn't read" to omnia...from Tiesto live at arnham
That Guy
PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 10:33 pm    Post subject:

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 9:26 pm    Post subject:

Yes! *Glares at like a person all fishbowel like*
PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 9:25 pm    Post subject:

no wai!
PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 9:21 pm    Post subject:

(Taken off Semi's DA. Pokedragon is me (Litte Jess (Yes, you can have brackets inside brakets)) And Semi is Sacrifice (Lol... Sac... Like the potato X3)

G'day! Pokedragon and Sacrifice here! Hope you people are having a wonderful day in pari-.... whatever crap hole you're living in... ANYWAY! We have had a glorious week away from hell... *cough* I mean home.
Sac: *giggle* i blame Pokedragon
Poke: Whatever
Sac: <Like>.>
Sac: Choclate milk?
Poke: What do I look like, your mother?
Sacooh Buuurn.

Poke: Ok, since we;re bored, out of milk and about to watch Hitchhikerz guide to the galikzy-
Poke: I so did not!
Sac: I want weinies on my back now
Poke: ...Wha-?
Sac: Type wings! Stoopid.
Poke: *Shrugs* too late now, it's on the screen
Sac: oh... damnit.
Poke: So AAAANYWAY... We';re leaving... because we don't like you... and you smell funneh.
Sac: *Nods* Good.
Little Jess
PostPosted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 3:17 pm    Post subject:

Someone was bound to have picked the fruit sooner or later... The real question is... Would we have all been punished like we have now if someone else ate it?
PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 7:09 pm    Post subject:

OK! I have made my triumphent return to Thoih! Yes i am back and ready to go, why cause i just got a major energy boost from hearing from a good old freind of mine that dissapeared off the face of the earth like 2 months back! So im back, and thoih....WELL HI!

Right, free dress day, my "freinds" need help, yes, they truly do, besides Jess, she's perfectly insane as she is, she suits it perfectly. But anywho, is anyone going to show damn enthusiasm, cause Neilsen sucks at it, cause he's a little so and so *grumbles*

Fine you know what, i don't need your enthusiasm, im about to burst! Cause arg! I cant even think straight at the moment, its like great! This probably makes no sense cause ive got my two personalities running at once here, so ít's very mixmatch.

Sadder note, grandparents are leaving tomorrow and parents are comeing back sigh, my grandmother had a shock when Robbie turned up this afternoon, [note to self: Still hating Robbie for the clovers] But anywho! Yes, so it shall be odd, i pwned in my science exam and slept for 40 minutes, who knew old desks where so comfy. But yes, im still about to burst, i need someone to just jump around with, hm i may use beck, she's in a bublbly mood lately, it could work. Oh, first family conversation ive had in like years happened at the dinner table today, with the gma and grandfather.

Beck brought up the topic about uhm rrr, oh about if adam and eve didnt pick the fruit would some one else? Now we actually resolved this to be a unanswerable question, and this isnt from my point in veiw, thats from my grandparents, and trust me, i dont doubt them AT all. So im running with there idea, me chucking in my ideas here and there in the conversation, first dinner table discussion ive ever contributed to. So it was REALLY good, today has been a good day ALL over, drama tomorrow -squeal- Yes, dramatic routines and yelling and screaming and watching freinds fall from 3 metres in the air onto a stage, joy!

So yes about that question, contribute i wanmna know what you think about it, ill say it again incase you cant remember, if adam and eve didnt pick the apple, would some one else of done it?

From the girl who is about to explode with joy,
PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 7:15 pm    Post subject:

Hey Semi.
It sucks that you're feeling that way, ay. Somethings are just lame.. sometimes nothing is fair. Anyhow, I would gladly join you to sit in the rain. This arvo it was getting dark, but I rolled up my pants and I rolled up my sleeves and I went and played in the rain. I picked up mud and squished it in between my fingers and toes. I let the rain soak me up and I just felt so free. I look forward to the day where we all get to feel good and free forever. It'll be great, eh?

Take care Emily.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 7:05 pm    Post subject:

Sometimes There Just Aren't Enough Rocks

Yep that's about it right about now.'

Hm, today, i really do hate today. Honestly wish it would just end and it would be thursday allready. Why thursday you ask? Cause youth churchy thingy. But eh, school Ok why i hated today? You don't wanna know. No really no matter how much you think you wanna know. You dont.

To much thinking is all im gonna say. If we all just stopped and sat in the rain no thoughts it'd be a good world. Any takers to join me? Ok fine i'll do it myself.

Horror's running through my head. I basicly crossed all my rules of feelings today. I killed my mind. Yes that sounds good, very good. Mind is gone. Bang! Continuous nightmare really. I really do dislike myself right now.

Oh that sounds emo. Don't take that as an emo comment. Ok, actually it probably was. But you know, leave it at that yes?

On a better note, i got owned by a barbwire fence. Well im leaving it at that, for you who did the 40 hour famine? Howd you go? Whatd you eat first for that matter? I ate soup, it made me sick.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 7:39 am    Post subject:

Bahaha I was wondering what you were doing awake at 2:00am.
Looks like you and Jess are having an interesting time Razz .
PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 2:00 am    Post subject:

Mkay, it's hm what time nearly 2, i decided to pull an all nighter. Jess has chikened out on me and gone to sleep. Only thing keeping me sane is talking to a freind of mine which i havent talked to for a good 2 months. Which is fun cause he's fun so it's all good. I dont think jess is asleep just my freind freaked her out so she left and is trying to sleep. Seemingly that im gonna wake her up in 2 hours. Who knows.

Well just wanted to pop in. Love you all.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 11:20 pm    Post subject:

" Screw You Java."

Ok, well recapping of tonight we have Emily and sigh, Jess. Haha! Everyone say hello Jess -monotone-

Semi:Ok! Here we go, came home from school, wcc is getting sadder i say. Got in the car
Jess: Lol hotdogs
Semi: What the? Anywho got home gave Jess mum a hug, she is so huggable i meen ive hugged people before but WOAH
Jess: Can we stop hitting on my mum?
Semi: Sorry, the caps thing makes a noise and its scaring the bebjeebuzs outa me
Jess: Outta has 2 tt's
Semi: Shutup
Jess: *makes dirty joke*
Semi: Jessica!
Jessica: *shrug*
Semi: Oh great ive lost track *looks up* now were where we?
Jessica: Hitting on my mum
Semi: Thats a nasty habit Jess and not to mention illegal!
Jessica: You started it
Semi: Screw you!
Jessica: *makes ANOTHER dirty joke*
Semi: Tsk tsk, right went for a walk to uhm hm 4 square
Jessica: Mmm chips.
Semi: Right then went back there was some kid sitting by himself, he needed a hug. but thought maybe a little weird
Jessica: Probably would of stabbed you
Semi: Oh loved, went home through some bushes much fun.
Jessica: Got called emo got asked to show writs
Semi: Lucky for her i wared over this kid showed my wrists he backed off before he could get to jess *looks at jess' wrists* Tsk tsk
Jessica: It was an accident i swear
Semi: Sure! Right, got home then we went out again.
Jessica: *mumbles to herself*
Semi: Didnt needa hear that. Oh went to some factory thing with factorys n such
Jessica: Lol, bad english
Semi: Aye! Ok she's off to call matt let's go. Went up and saw factory's. I found a metal pole thing hanging around so i found a tree and BANG BANG BANG, it bent and wont be straight again. Jess tryed -cough- weiner -cough- and gave it back as it hurt her hand. Then i went back to smacking trees, found some bubble rap played with that. Found a loose tree trunk hacked at it with the pole. We realised the sun was nearly gone so we should be getting back, so i thought why go on a path when there's perfectly good bush to hack through. So went off me finding nothing xD

So we continued to go and uhm hm what are the called ibises they poo'd everywhere
Jessica: Looked like a white paint bucket exploded
Semi: Go back to talking to matt! Right so continued onwards and eventually found my self throwing the pole in the air, it found a tree and spun =] So we continued and again found ourselfsin a heap of funnelweb spider hole things, So darted off me diveing into grass as tall as me =] Finally found our way out. One for Emily! Made our way home. Decided we'd go to digi so went off. Got there the usual me and jess boogied the night away with some bald guy, he was so rad!. I owned two little kids first one was on purpose cause i pushed him into a wall but the second one was by accident he tripped over my skates so he stacked it.

Met some random chick we started talking about wrestling and such, so night ended we came home, me dancing to some cowboy song =] Came back here blah blah the usual. Oh i got done by this big black dude. He corked me right in the stomach. He tripped over this little kid so he was down then he got me i had my phone in my pcoket so made sure didnt land on that. Sure no one rushes to me! Inconsiderate, but gosh it was like hgetting done by a full backer =] Fun much? Not so much the falling the fact that i land right on me boobs, you have any idea how much that hurts?!

Naw jess is back now, shame that.
Jessica: Thankyou thankyou its great to be back
Semi: *slaps*
Jessica: Lol phonage
Semi: Whore
Jessica:muhahaha! Jess has taken control of the keyboard! Semi don't touch that! *flicks hand away from mouse* ANYWAY! We went through the bird poop o-rama due to SOMEONE not wanting to take the NORMAL way *glares at semi* and we went to digi. Yay! *Looks for clapping, finds none* ... meh. Got five blisters on one foot Razz thats gotta be a record... some where... o.o
*FLASHBACK!* On the way to Maggie (The factory place with the factories) we were passing this metal fence while talking about how this huge crack in the earth swallowed up a house. The very SECOND I said it we heard this huge "BANG!" Semi just kinda did this weird shuddery thing while I screamed out weird and wonderful obseneries which we are not going to discuss at current place and time. Turns out (While we were getting our hearts beating again) the some scary big doggy thing headbutted the fence while we were passing. You gotta admit, it was pretty funny Razz
Semi: Ok it wasnt funny. What kinda dog headbutts the fence? A metal fence? What are the odds? And the lovely words jess shouted while i just shuttered. Isnt she charming? Arg light it burns! Damn Jess
Jessica: Lol, lightage

Semi: Anywho my freaky darlings, we shall be off. Cause? Cause? Cause! You all smell funny *sniffs* Ok thats us hehe.

Good day *tips hat*
Jessica: You don't got a hat
Semi: Shutup! -whiney voice-
That Guy
PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 3:30 pm    Post subject:

i was talking to somebody about this forget who though .

if we didnt have sterotypes we wouldent be where we are today .

the way i see it being a girl or a boy is a sterotype i mean we are all just people though they look different , talk and act different to how we act and talk and how is that different to being say like 'emo' or something .

i mean but the whole judging a book by the cover thing is dead wrong dont ever do it .

but i mean meh too tired and im probably wrong or something but meh thats my opinion might not be valid or right but meh
PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 11:40 am    Post subject:

yeah... agreed, but i never really intend to stereotype people in a negative way when i'm in a social situation with a certain type of person that easily fits into a stereotype. most of the types i classify people under aren't even generally understood stereotypes, i stereotype in a social situation by trying to slot a person into a certain personality type, thus making it far easier to comunicate with them.

my point was that stereotypes aren't all bad, not that they're all good. i don't see why they should be demonised as thoroughly as they are when for me at least they've proven to be pretty useful in alot of ways.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 11:29 am    Post subject:

I agree with you Stephen. <3
PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 7:21 am    Post subject:

I'm not too sure I got what you're saying elliot. Being stereotypical is a negative, not a positive. Being stereotypical is like passing judgement or being prejudical.

Colossians 3:11
Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.

And there is of course the story of the good samaritan.

The difference between prejudice and discrimination is that prejudice is the thought while discrimination is the act. Yet just by thinking about someone or a certain group in a negative way is considered a sin, so therefore stereotyping a group negatively is a sin.

Anyway thats my spiel.
PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 10:44 pm    Post subject:

It's an unavoidable thing, much like hypocrisy.
End of.
PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 9:32 pm    Post subject:

sterotypes are an important part of individuality, and in forming your own personal identity.

i arrived at who i am today, elliott, by a number of stereotypes. first there was the proud nerd, then there was something kind of like a male version of cheyenne (very deliberately unique, but not over the top). from there i've become me, without having gone through those 'phases' during which i was never REALLY happy, i wouldn't have arrived at where i am now.

point is, stereotypes aren't all bad. true, you should never immediately judge a person by their appearance, or anything else for that matter, but it's alot easier to work out how to talk to someone when you've got a basic idea of who they are, and for that stereotypes are again pretty useful.
PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 8:42 pm    Post subject:

Yes true, but the point is there are to many and we should cut down on them right now! Have just one big mass of a group!
PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 8:40 pm    Post subject:

You know. Half of them are right Laughing
PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 8:05 pm    Post subject:

"Cos I'm a brat
And I know everything
And I talk back
Cos I'm not listening
To anything you say"

Song we was listening to in msuic. We were gonna work shop it but people were stupid and talked. Which im glad cause i couldn't be buggered to drum that song. But it's a good song

Anywho, just recent events those line's stand out. People percept that about teenagers blah blah. And what a cuincidence we are talking about perceptions in drama. Perceptions suck.

I'm EMO, so I MUST cut my wrists.
I'm BLACK, so I MUST carry a gun.
I'm HISPANIC, so I MUST be dirty.
I'm ASIAN, so I MUST be smart.
I'm JEWISH, so I MUST be greedy.
I'm GAY, so I MUST have AIDS.
I'm a LESBIAN, so I MUST have a sex-tape.
I'm ARAB, so I MUST be a terrorist.
I SPEAK MY MIND, so I MUST be a bitch.
I'm OVERWEIGHT, so I MUST have a problem with self control.
I'm RELIGIOUS, so I MUST shove my beliefs down your throat.
I'm an ATHEIST, so I MUST hate the world.
I DON'T HAVE A RELIGION, so I MUST not have morals.
I'm REPUBLICAN, so I MUST not care about poor people.
I'm DEMOCRAT, so I MUST not believe in being responsible.
I'm JAMICAN so I must smoke weed.
I am LIBERAL, so I MUST be gay.
I'm SOUTHERN, so I MUST be white trash.
I'm a GUY, so I MUST only want to get into your pants.

Ok just some of the many perceptions you can get ima give you a link where you can see the list yeh actually no, you get the idea yeh? Awesome.

Just think about it next time if you are going to perceive someone before you know them.

Think about it.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 9:09 pm    Post subject:

It's going pretty big. I've still got about 2 packets to go. Buying more when go to work haha. I have to much time.
That Guy
PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 7:56 pm    Post subject:

yeh very ture it dosent matter about how much stuff you have i mean you die its all worthless to you .
god only matters Very Happy aswome blog :p

lol well that was a bit stupid then wasent it :p taking apart a perfectly good ball :p but meh how big is it ?
PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 6:28 pm    Post subject:

That was a really good blog, Semily. What you said about how none of that stuff matters in the end, that was really true ay. People are so silly sometimes, doing all of that stuff, and it's sad. They don't even realise what they're doing. And they probably don't care.

Keep the awesome blogs coming.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 5:41 pm    Post subject:

Ok! I'm here and back and here to fill you in on everything. Warning: Pointless blab not worth reading

Well friday. Average night stayed in talked to people on msn cause im a nerd and have nothing better to do. Got in some good conversations with people that havent had a good conversation with in ages. Was really good i enjoyed that.

Saturday. Saturday was interesting. Woke up at 6 by the mother, and through a fit about how i didn't want to go to work. Fit's are fun at 6 in the morning, trust me. Yes so i wasn't going to go but i ended up going seemingly if i didn't chick i was working with would get pissy. So i went turned up straight away walked into the freezer thing started to pack milk and such the usual. Came out did the same old stuff over and over. Highlight of work was that the senior i was working with got into the drinks room and sorted out all the drinks, we had drinks in there scince 05.

So she brought a heap out on a trolley and a uhm you know those things that you put like tv's on and wheel them. One of those [if you know what it is called please tell me] And she goes to me unscrew all these and empty them. I'm like my pleasure. So did so, who knew water could go out of date? Bundyrum stuff is fun to empty when it's out of date it goes fizzy and such.

At the end of all of it i emptied 40 bottles and dumped about 12 cartons of cans. Now to anyone, i reccomend doing that before you die. It's hella-cool. So yes rest of the day was ordinary, got off at 2. Mum picked me up went hom the usual watched a movie blah blah. And what is this, youth time already? So i got up and decided that what i was wearing smelt so chucked on a new shirt, and i do believe new pants. And waited for mum to drive me. And to announce this again i didn't follow penny from the intersection it was just timeing.

Go to youth, the usual we made rubber band balls. I have decided when i get old instead of knitting or doing my nails, ima do that. So yes the usual happened me and Penny spun like woah. It hurt when i ran into the garden/church railing but all in good fun. So yes night was pretty ordinary. Vick's word came, that was good. So we was all waiting around and me and Penny went over to the tap being escorted by dear Elliot seemingly that Penny was afraid of the bogans. So yes i accidently dropped Penny. Not my fault Penny squirmed. So we layed in bark for a bit, Mrs Penny turned up. And Penny weaseld her way of getting us to stay an extra 15 minutes or so by "helping" to do the chairs.

Finally hopped in the car, got's driven home after Elliot getting dropped off. So went home. Got met by mum at the door. It's alright she was fine just waiting. So i came home and hopped on the computer, how Penny beat me on i do not know. But worked on mine and Robert's rubber band ball for a bit until my fingers started to throb and such.

Went to "bed" meaning i watched a movie. Got wocken up by myslf around hm 7:30 cause i needed to pee, so i went to the loo tottled back and started up with some music but fell asleep. Woke up totled to watch Tom and Jerry. Good movie that. Was lateish for church by like a few minutes cause i lost track of time and realised it was 9 when i needed to go for a shower.

Church was good, i nearly fell asleep on Neilsen, for someone so skinny [yes was a fat joke] he's comfortable. Anywho church was over people left. Waited for mum to pick me up, watching Elliot roll around on the floor haha.

Anywho went to warehouse. All this time i was thinking and such. None of this matters at the end. Nothing, none of it. We take time makeing sure we look right, we are with the right group. Makeing sure we are noticed. None of it matter's in the end. NONE of it. It all comes down to God. To what we've done for God and such. I've had this running in my head for a couple of days. That all these girls that wear skimpy clothing sleep around to be "cool' all these guys that must have atleast slept with 5 girls to even be thought of. None of it matters at the end. None of it. They waste there time on this stuff and in the end it's all wiped and no possesions are kept it doesn't matter to God, who your "posse" was, who you "hung" with or what you wore.

It doesnt matter! We don't get this enough. We are all mindless if we think that all of this fitting in and being in the "in" crowd matters. It doesnt! Nothing. I'm repeating myself to get it across.

Just something to think about next time you or your freind does something that you think is great but doesnt give praise to God. Or give anything to God.

Right where was i? Yes! Went to warehouse bought a good 3 packets of rubber bands and some biscuits cause they were cheap. Me and mum had a feild day. Came back here been working on the ball for some time gone through two packets worth. So yes. Think about what i've said ok.

And at this time i bid you good day.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 3:39 pm    Post subject:

Yes but i undid yours and added to mine so ha! I've bought 3 packets of rubber bands. Show's how much time i have.
That Guy
PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 1:14 pm    Post subject:

not even i fused them together to startwith ! i attached em ! grr :p meh i cant wait till it gets huge
PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 11:00 pm    Post subject:

Mkay, i am going to write a big blog tomorrow. But right now im tired and am in such a great mood. Toodaloo to you all. Fill me in on you? Yeh please? I wanna know more. To you all the balls still going. I fused mine and Robbies together.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:15 pm    Post subject:

Wow, that's really awesome!
PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:14 pm    Post subject:

One of my freind's amaze me. She just wow. And yes to be amazed she goes to WCC. See there is another that is good that has come from this school. She has amazed me tonight. And honestly i haven't stopped smiling yet. One of my freind's said something and she pounced right in to defend and say something back. The issue was about a freind saying something about God, and she jumped in.

Now, it may not seem as a big of a deal as it is to you. But it is to me! Why? Because wcc people don't do that. Most of the time they are the one's makeing the jokes. But she was defending it and all. So i dunno, she's just showed me and really lifted my spirit irght about now. I dunno. I'm just so proud of her right now.

Anywho, How are you whats the plan for the weekend for you all?

Ladies, Gents *tips hat and bows*

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