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Sat Apr 14, 2007 2:58 pm
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a documentation of dosthecat's many mischiefs.

well, this morning i burned spiders... it was great, it always is.

there's something about the way a gigantic flame can carve its way unnaturally through so many layers of silk to get to the eight-legged deviant at its centre, annihilating it completely in a little puff of white light and burning-hair smell, it mystifies me completely. one of the misfortunate daddy-long-legs didn't have this pleasure, it was a little bit too high for the flame to reach it, so it only cooked it a little. the thing flopped down onto the floor, writhing. i had to kill it.

something happens when you point the flamethrower towards the ground at an angle, the gas comes out as a pressurised liquid, so you get longer range, a hotter flame, and a greater volume of fuel. knowing this, part of me gleefully rubbing my hands together, i lined the spider up with the nozzle, about two feet between each.

now kiddies, we all know that flame rises. in this case, shortly after eating the spider, it partially consumed my hand. no burns, i flinched quick enough this time.

seconds later, i was on my bed. i went for my permanent marker, i felt like defacing something, i had schoolbooks somewhere... but i had a better idea. one hand still had a jet-lighter in it, it was only natural to unite its flame with the hydrocarbon-based ink of the marker... it made a lovely little flame, kind of like an angry candle... i shook it out, tested the tip on my bedside table to see if it still worked as a pen, nothing. so i shook it, relying on centrifugal force to bring the ink back up into the tip.

it worked, so i defaced the slats supporting the top bunk-bed a little, before setting the thing on fire again. i let it burn a little more this time, the plastic around the tip melted slightly. i put it out, shook it again for ink. my mind has gone back to playing with the jetlighter, but a very small part is still shaking the blue marker pen. something startled me, something wet on my wrist. mind goes back to the jetlighter, where it belongs, i feel. another wet splotch, the base of my finger, this time wakes me completely from my fire-induced daze.

the pen is dripping in blue ink, there are little spots of it on my bedsheet, on the lighter, the other hand, and all up the wall by my bed. the wall is (mostly) white, and we live in a rental.

i'd like to hear any comments, especially on the way i've written this... or, just whether you think i'm psychotic: maybe we can do a role-play?
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Sat Apr 14, 2007 5:27 pm
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oh yeah, last night i went to that real-estate thingy on north station road to watch sunset, pretty common for me these days... and i found a chunk of steel reinforcing mesh, about 5mm thick.

where many people would see a useless, mangled piece of scrap, dosthecat's highly trained eyes saw an amazing capacity for killing. i twisted, bent and eventually had my raw material, a 'cross' of steel. about 30cm long, an 8cm 'spear' jutting out at a right angle from one end, bent slightly, and painstakingly brought to a crude point on a road surface. not sharp, but sharp enough at 120km/hour...

i hid it, near the 'entrance'... now all i need is someone to go hunt toads with, maybe we could even pick up some rope to burn onto the buggers, haha.
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Sat Apr 14, 2007 8:10 pm
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I'm quite used to your psychotic stories Elliot. Now they're just entertaining.
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Sat Apr 14, 2007 8:42 pm
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That is a fine idea you have when you do it give me a yell so I can join in Smile
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Sat Apr 14, 2007 9:18 pm
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well, ben, i can't really help you unless you've got some time travel equipment handy.

it punched through toads gewd. as in, straight through. it'll be pretty hard to top the feeling of penetrating their crappy ribcages, that's for sure. but maybe the dim vibrations coming through the steel as you pull it back out... that's good too. i only got four toads, i think we should leave that area alone until spring, which i think is when they breed.

but yeah, after my killingness, i had some full-on (or possibly fool?) praizenjeezes on the way home, i was jumping and dancing and sharing my singing talents with the world and everything.
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Mon Apr 16, 2007 4:03 am
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i should say to all the folk out there that actually read this, i think this is a good post... it starts out vulgar, but it gets clean later on.

well, i left from my place at about midnight, a respectable hour. i took my hammer, and my portable p&w, mp3 player. i was more or less tanked when i left, but i headed to the dog run to fill up the last liter or two before i asplode. but on the way to the tap, i saw a car pull up in the church, and i was all wtf and all, so i ran at it, reloaded my hammer (close the bolt, flip the mag release, discard empty mag, replace with a full one, slide back bolt and release) and went sneaking up to my quarry. the car looked like shane's, but you can never tell with shane's car, and there were two figures messing about near the door. no1 hax my church. so i ran again, i ran at them with the hammer raised above my head, ready to kill/love thy neighbour those thieves... what did i have to lose?

turns out, it was indeed shane, and a very startled shane's mum wearing a dressing gown. i could hear her breathing from metres away, she was that unsettled.

but i set off towards the school, and on the way in i kept on seeing these black slivery things, the first thing i knew about those was that they came into my vision, went out of my vision, and they were always followed by fear, all very quickly. i put it out of my mind.

i got to where we usually sit of a lunchtime, and the pee still wasn't ready. but i had the mp3 player. so it was, praizenjeezes. which got me thinking, about school about all the hate that goes on in our everyday lives, and i started to pray. this is after a good twenty minutes of full-on praizenjeezes, like nothing i'd ever done before. i don't think even youth alive came near what i went through tonight, so i think i had the place well prepared for what was to come.

but i prayed, i prayed for the school. i prayed that The Spirit would come to rest in it, but i realised that for the spirit of god to inhabit a place it would need to be cleansed. so i thought, i thought about just asking god to pretty please scrub away all the yuck, and said, 'fuck that, this is gonna get done the hard way'.

so i prayed, i prayed for my own protection, and then i took up the 'power and authority' (tm) that that crazy foo' Sam Evans always talkin' about. everything became clear to me, all of a sudden i was in combat, where i most love to be alive... it became clear to me also that there were demons sitting around me, not for me but for those weaker that would follow me in the days to come, they were preparing the place i guess... but yeah, long story short i called down angels of heaven to clean up the place, and i became aware of what the angels were doing, they were putting those same swords i talked about earlier to a very good use. so i pulled out the 'power and authority' (tm) once again, told my buddies to wait... and i was praizenjeezes even worser. much worser. and my spirit became aware that one by one the angels left the place, just zoomed off. then i saw another attachment come down, replacing it. this one was bigger...

i went up to C block, prayed for the chaplaincy thing, and just sat for awhile. then i figured it'd be neglectful of me if i left without doing the same service for the girls, claire and whatnot, hope you don't mind... yeah, asked them to come down, kick arse, hang around, etc, but heh, if it doesn't suit you you can ask them to leave, pretty soon it'll be back to normal for youse.

on the way out of the school, i saw another one of those things fluttering around the edge of my vision... except this time, it was a brilliant white.

that was basically the end of my being physically upright in the middle of the oval... diagonal didn't seem to work, either, so i just went straight for good ol' face down horizontal, 'smore praizenjeezes.

but yeah, hurray, praizenjeezes!
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Fri Apr 20, 2007 2:08 pm
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unforeseen consequences.

you'd think putting a load of washing on would be safe, right? not around me it's not...

while i had my clothes in the machine at 8:30pm, i needed something to do. we have a pipe running from our washing machine to the backyard, that pipes grey water. the pipe says, 'Sullage waste water: do not drink', and as i wasn't feeling particularly adventurous i took its word on the matter. the grass underneath the clothesline looks pretty sad, so i shift the hose to water it... there's plenty of time, and i remember something i saw on The New Inventors, that told me that grass is happier if you aerate (put holes in) the soil. it lets water and air in...

out comes the pitchfork, and by gosh am i pleased with it. four prongs of rusty, dirty, blunt steel. lift it up, and bring it down into a patch of unsuspecting dirt, muahahaha. the mad pitchforking dance is then repeated about another twelve times before i incorporate spinning, because spinning improves just about everything... until you get dizzy.

the pitchfork comes down for the last time that night, first i feel the rush of metal between my toes and then an odd wet oozing. i pull the pitchfork out of my shoe, which seemed like a good idea, and then praizenjeezes, because i thought the prong had slipped just between my toes, grazing one slightly.

i take my shoe off, noticing the little puncture in the material. and then the little puncture in my white sock, encircled by a little patch of crimson. i smell raw steak, or is that my foot? oh damn... i take the sock off, there's a small wound on top of my big toe, i figure the steel struck flesh, then bone, and glanced off... but there's alot of blood in the bottom of my sock, i sniff it. raw beef again, though slightly sock-y... i put a denim bandage around my toe and go to bed.

i wake up in the morning, my toe is sore as flamen. i check the bandage, there's a heap of blood where the bottom of my toe was, but none on top. odd? i check the bottom of my toe, it's bleeding. the pitchfork went straight through the flesh between bone and skin... i examine the sock, still slightly beefy, sure enough there's a hole on top, but there's a hole in the bottom too... i've been over-penetrated by a filthy ipswich garden tool that's been in filthy ipswich garden soil and filthy ipswich garden shed, and i don't remember getting any tetanus shots since i was 6.

it bled in the bathroom before my shower, mess... it bled when i tried to put another bit of denim on it, always dripping slowly from the "exit wound". i more or less gave up on doing-it-yourself and school, this is a problem for a qualified medician.

i went to the doctor, she had nice hair. she gave me pills, and a nurse gave me swabbing, which was the funnest pain since i'd woken up...

i once heard that the pain from a gunshot wound comes after the battle. it took 6 hours for my pitchfork shot to reach a pain-climax, but it's subsided now... and i'm going to be jumping on it tomorrow night, regardless of pain. and if The New Inventors has any authority, my toe should be better (and greener) than ever, now it's been aerated.
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Sat May 19, 2007 1:03 pm
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yesterday was brilliant.

i got up early for sunrise, i was about to start weetbix, but i decided i could eat breakfast just as well at mcdonalds. so i suited up, plain white undershirt, school shirt, tie, long coat (red and black), mittens (black), hat. i was in shorts though, which didn't matter, because i can tolerate things unless they get to my torso.

i got to mcdonalds, the highest clouds lit up a pale goldy-pink. bought two bacon, two sausage and egg mcmuffins. paid with the curliest $20 note ever, the cashier, an indian girl, wrestled with it. then laughed at it, and i said sorry, that's how i keep them, i was meant to uncurl it on the way here. she wrestled, and giggled some more, i thought it was quite strange.

got my food, tabascoised it. halfway up the hill penny lives on, i decided that i'd seen the best of the sunrise, as there were clouds in the way. so i went on the swings in alf kalamafoni? park, near jay's place, and finished my breakfast off with a bottle of cola. i had three more in my bag.

while i was on the swings, the bridge between the two halves of playset in the park caught my eye. one half of the bridge had the perfect slouching curve, ideally suited for my height, and the top of the curve acted as a headrest. i could live in that bridge, no worries at all.. if the weather turned bad, i'd thread a tarp through it and sit underneath... but off of the fantasy. while i layed on the bridge, a truly pleasurable experience, there was a flock of about 60 pigeons doing laps over jay's house, they must have gone around about thirty times before i even noticed (the bridge was that good). the pidgeons were unnerving me, so i went back to the swings to read.

school time came, i went for a walk to the rainforestey thingy, past a girl on the way to school. i drew deeply from the well of cola, she laughed at me, i grinned.

i went to school, still in my winter gear. more lol's. mr ...He tried to bust me for it on the way into music, period one, but i had earphones in and by the time i heard him he'd kept walking. so i kept walking.

i disrobed in music. eliza's constant jingling annoyed me, so i returned a few jingles of my own from the keyboard. when i got to 'in the mood', walters chimed in, as expected. i decided we didn't need the piano part so much as the percussion part, and had just remembered how to work the hihat and gotten into 'the groove' when mr ...He busted in. i was in hat, earphones, no tie (i took it off in the park), untucked shirt. the perfect target. he gives a single barrel of 12ga buckshot square in the chest, and before i'm into line he swings the shotgun around to aim at walters. "Daniel Walters, come with me Now!".

lunch passes, it's cola-riffic. some would say disgusting, but they're not here... so it was cola-riffic. then the walterss'ss's saga became known, further discussed in modern, brilliant. i was delighted, that i had been graced with such an excellent first half of a day.

second break came, i can't remember it really... odd.

last period, i didn't have a teacher to supervise me so i went to the librey. plonked meselfs down in eliza/dilkins ancient history class and started reading that same book. the book has it's funny moments, but it's about masculinity. basically a book that teaches men to be men, to be fierce, aggressive, adventurous, but still loving, and it looks at why most men can't do this. the reason they can't, they've had a question asked them, and in the quest to have it answered by father, girlfriend, wife, friends, they've been disappointed. more than dissapointed, brought to the brink of despair, of destruction. this disappointment the author calls The Wound, and he looks at the whole thing, quite frequently, through battlefield metaphor. God spoke to me, while i was reading. he said to me that this is what i need to do, to aim for. basically, 'from now on, elliott, you're a combat medic.'...

god told me who i am... after he told me to read the book, after i'd already read it last year. it's kinda hard for me to pick up the same book twice, but god told me, so i did...

but yeah, after that, me, eliza, patrick, and sometimes robbie went to hungry jacks. i drank... and lol'd. robbie didn't drink, hence, no lols... i started ranting about witches, patrick told me that he's not a witch because he'd never force me to eat 'eye of newt', and i told him exactly how much zing was in what he'd just said.

i went home via aldi.

ps: i forgot to mention, claire told me in ancient, she saw me in the park on the swings, and went the long way around, fearing that i was an intoxicated hobo. i love myself...

Last edited by dosthecat on Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Thu May 31, 2007 8:08 pm
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'smornin', i woke up, geared up in more or less the same winter gear, and headed off pretty much the same; except i had a packet of lead sinkers and a home made slingshot. i had no intention of watching any sunrise this time, either...

i went to the yobbo breeding ground i found awhile ago, in bushland behind bundamba primary, to test. i was looking for a bird, i already had decent accuracy. i found none in range, so i loaded rocks and broke glass bottles, and shot a sinker clean through a beer can. impressive...

i needed to poo, so i told jay. she wasn't pleased, considering i'd woken her up... but she didn't let me use her shitter, so -2 respect, though at least i'd given her an interesting story for the day. in the end i used the loo in the office. staff toilets, heck yes.

school was pretty crap for a last day, though in PC i met this guy that was pretty lol, he was enjoying the story of my morning. i told some people that i would miss them lotsly, fooled around with bungie cord. drama, quiet time with people i'll miss.

after school, i went back to the yobbo breeding ground to collect my sinkers which i'd forgot in the morning, eliza whinged... but i got my sinkers. which made it worth it.

later me and her parted ways, a hug, hurray! i went home, got moneys and clothes, and headed back to hungry jacks after a spot of laying in the sun in the park. clothes on, this time. hungry jacks, not much really... i can't remember, too much drinking... except i turned chris's world upside down when i told him not to eat his burger... and then hit it with some tabasco. he said something to me a few seconds later, i only caught the word, "orgasm".

josh's anti-hungry's propaganda drive had gone into full swing, and he managed to lead us all away from that place to guess where: maccas! but when we had barely left, we saw a derro on brisbane road, in traffic. no shoes, no shirt. just a grey pair of shorts and loads of anger.

The Adventure, Part Two.
...he didn't seem to know where he was, terribly intoxicated, and literally trying to start fights with cars; hitting, shoving, kicking and verbally abusing them. while the rest of the crew continued on, i saw the chance to receive derro-pointers from someone who was obviously a highly advanced expert in derelictuality. patrick argued with me, but as he did the derro tried to punch a car head on, rolling off the windshield; and i - not wanting to see the untimely end of such a skilled derro - called the police for his own safety. shane and lukas were with me when he saw us on the phone, he wasn't pleased. he ran at us, screaming, and we acted similarly, heading to hungry's figuring he might be afraid of the light or something...

we were telling the staff behind the counter, "There's a crazy guy out there trying to start fights with cars and we called the police and now he wants to kill us!". we'd already been at hungry's, they knew us as the ones that sang happy birthday really loudly and kept getting refills, so they weren't exactly attentive until the man came inside, shoving me in the back.

me, lukas, and shane were nice to the derro, only laughing insanely when his back was turned. he said he was going to kill each of us, he was very clear on that. i wanted to say, "orly, have some more time in traffic then, we'll see you there!" lukas wanted him to leave us alone. shane wanted to offer him a hug.

he went outside, the hungry's people locked the door, clever people, but soon the derro started to be angry at incoming HJ's customers, which isn't good for a restaurant, so some staff folk went out to try and talk to him. we looked through windows, called the cops some more, and fantasised about whether a lead sinker to the head would make him madder or down him... but we may never know. the cops arrived, apparently he tried to run away but seemed to forget where he was again a few metres away from the cops, who cleaned him up. we went down to check things out, tell them that i was the one who called, and he sprang up, wanting to kill me even though he was in cuffs with four cops around about... rather like a chained zombie hungry for brains.

we talked to the cops some more, had some lol's about having the coppers tell the school, telling them about how brave we were an how we single-handedly ensafenated ipswichia. i think they're actually gonna go through with it, principal's award, here we come!

at maccas we spotted josh's car, i ran up, eliza wound down a window, and i started yelling, "ELIZATHEREWASAGUYONDRUGSINTHETRAFFICANDHEWASPUNCHINGCARSANDHEWASSTARTINGONUS
THEPRINCIPAL'S AWARD!!!"... and about two words into that eliza started making stfu hand movements, gesturing frantically at josh's mum and going "shh, shh shhh!"

i'm at nielsen's place now, my insatiable lust for adventure satiated...

today, better than that last post, but not as good as my birthday. second, that is.

excellent day though.
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Sun Jul 22, 2007 12:06 am
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last night's story started with me going up a flight of stairs at my sister's youth, and ended with me telling katherine that i owe the church probably upwards of $400, resulting in her conclusion that I was the one who fell through the roof...

i was nice enough to correct her though, i fell through the ceiling... a truly humiliating and costly adventure...
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Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:19 pm
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it doesn't really come under 'unforeseen', but it deserves to be written, and i don't deserve another thread in this section.

tonight i went to kristel's house, it was one of those houses that have an intangible atmospheric happy feeling, that just makes everything better by being there, about a half an hour of me sitting in the lounge room on my own being happy later, we left for IRCC youth thing.

we were there long before it started, i sort of sat for a little bit while kristel set up some stuff and generally made herself useful, then i saw a woman trying to set up everybody's favourite 90's console, the nintendo 64. she had mario kart, i played some guy, and varnished the floor with his liver. he left to lick his wounds, and all of a sudden it was just me playing mariokart. not so fun now, is it? so i got all squirmy because i don't get along very well with loads of people i don't know, even though most of them were obviously a pretty good sort. but i just walked out for a little while to be alone in the dark, typical vampire behaviour. some guy named gary tracked me down though, we had a good little talk about the future, about who i am i guess... halfway through our talk, i look behing us and standing atop a ledge at a distance was krystel, seemigly concerned for my welfare. she stayed for a good three minutes, but we kept chatting.

a little while after that we went back inside, krystel smiled to see me in one piece, and it was mariokart again, because there were other people on it by now. my goal as wario was to squash mushrooms, because i don't like mushrooms... songtime was exceedingly loud, but i still managed to make myself heard whenever a yelling bit came around.

the word was wierd, it had a lot of symbolic practical stuff in it, and some guys stole alex's car antenna, but it was good nonetheless. it made use of pikelets, and there wasn't much i could ask for after that.

afterwards kristel and i sat outside in the cold waiting to be picked up, and though she was shivering i thought it would be out of both of our comfort zones for me to offer my coat, though i would have liked to. we were entertained by the antics of a few younger girls, then we were picked up. in the car i asked the title of the song that was playing, and kristel rummaged for alot longer than was reasonable, seemingly going to extra effort before hearing the song's title in the lyrics.. i couldn't help but be reminded what a beautiful person she is, and i decided right then i would get to know her better.

her dad seemed like a nice guy in the car on the way home, he knew where we were before i did (though i still knew which way hungry jacks was) and very obviously looked, almost gazed, at aldi as he drove past. thumbs up, mr kristel's dad.

a good night altogether, with almost none of what generally makes a good time for elliott.
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Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:55 pm
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yeh i think i wouldent mind getting to know kristel a bit more shes really nice Very Happy

yeh i want to come because i also have another friends that goes there and i dont get to see him very often Sad :p i think it will be good :d

ellliot have fun is tops as well Smile
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Sat Aug 11, 2007 10:39 pm
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the very fact that i'm putting this on the net for all to see should signify to everyone that i'm dealing well with it:

tonight i was looking forward to youth, i get there and find out it's rubber band fight. that's okay, i already had a slingshot in my bag, now fitted with a week old high velocity band. rubber band fight was strange, noone seemed to mind that i had everyone ferociously outgunned as i didn't get any time to prepare ammunition, so had to make it up as you go along. norman knocked off my slingshot, it came back with a huge gash in the twenty dollar band. i asked him to pay for it, he didn't give a shit. i did my best to repair it, tangled up some rubber for ammo, and went up to norman, high velocity band running decently again. waited for him to pop his goggles on, safety first, and shot him four or five times before an apparent low quality leather pouch gave up on me.

so i went home, sent the following message to norman, .
I don't see how you can rationalise your decision, why you shouldn't pay for something of mine which you broke. Or you could just ignore this... Either way, in years to come I'll remember you as a fuckwit. Hope you enjoy your twenty.

i then replaced the pouch with my own decent leather, and shot cans. i pumped a milk bottle full of holes whereas before it had been full of water, shot up an empty bean tin, noticed the various exit wounds from BB's, and decided i could put a round through a full can of spaghetti.

excellent simulated gore, only a little bit, but with enough splatter to un-ruin my night i felt good to head back for the last few minutes of youth... got hugs from various people, told the me n norman story to a few others, and after taht i felt better.

unforeseen consequence, i killed something tonight. in it's prime it was beautiful, but i thought it best to put it out of it's misery.
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Sat Aug 11, 2007 11:01 pm
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Your calling Norman a fuckwit? Why? because he broke something? I could say the same about you about the stupid things you have done/ continue to do...

Elliot, I am sorry... But in recent times, respect for you is going down the shitter. I mean this man. You are losing respect from people. Fast.

Elliot, when you see this... Feel free to call me as soon as you see this. As for the moment. Good night, and take heed of my words man. Evil or Very Mad

You used to be like my twin Very Happy
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Sun Aug 12, 2007 12:20 pm
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because he broke something? as if that was all there was to it...

there has been a rift between me and norman, it's been growing for months. the basic pattern goes like this, i try to talk to him, he doesn't give a shit. i try to talk to him, he doesn't give a shit, ad nauseum.

every now and then when i do get a chance to talk to him i am either condemned for something i've done, or the entire conversation is about his hardships, his trials, his problems. i can't fix his problems in a ten minute conversation, so neither of us were ever getting anywhere.

bottom line, if he can't commit to a friendship, i don't need it. he drags me down with his shit, and quite frankly i don't need that.

yeah, i'm a christian. yeah, christians are meant to forgive people indefinately. but you know what? i'm still fucken weak as piss on my own, and i'm still VERY human... if he doesn't want my company, i'll withdraw it. simple as that.

other than that, if you don't know the full story, don't judge me.
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Sun Aug 12, 2007 12:50 pm
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Its understandable though Wilkins, norman broke something.. Don't you think its his responsibility to correct the issue? Signs are plastered all over stores say "if you break it, you buy it", its as simple as that. Norman must realise that he can't just break something and then refuse to try and correct it, or make it up to elliot. I dont see why you are losing respect for elliot?

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Burn the Wich!
Compatible tongues

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Sun Aug 12, 2007 1:51 pm
PostPost subject: Reply with quote

I agree. And I apologise to Elliot for what I said up there

You used to be like my twin Very Happy
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Joined: 10 Sep 2006
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Location: Ippie, QLD

Wed Aug 15, 2007 7:19 pm
PostPost subject: Reply with quote

let me tell you about my yesterday.

"Is Ben around? I want to tell him about my poo."

yesterday was a lazy, pregnant day... pregnant because of what i ate. before 5pm i'd eaten half a candle, upwards of 8 vitamin C tablets, a half-jar of peanut butter, about 60mLs of sweet chilli sauce, the contents of the sugar bowl, and the leftovers of strawberry jam. at about ten pm i did the single most painful, smelliest poo i've ever done, bar none. it was competely liquid, and it smelled faintly of the chilli sauce, looked like the peanut butter and burned like buggery, the burning wasn't even confined to the ringpiece, it went all the way up into the lower abdomen.

you learn from your mistakes...

never again...
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Little Jess

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Wed Oct 17, 2007 2:34 pm
PostPost subject: Reply with quote

Wow... I read through this entire thing through my ICT lesson... then showed everyone else Razz You've gotta post more, it intreges me :3
Logic is for people who never dared to dream...

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Wed Oct 17, 2007 9:52 pm
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yeah, i only post when adventures happen, and macgregor isn't very adventurous.

the bike trips have been kinda adventurish, but i couldn't remember all the details well enough to write a decent story about, and there have been a few other things that might be worth a mention.

here's some highlights.
**today, sucking petrol through my bike's fuel line in a successful attempt to get it to start. the sweet, poisonous taste of victory.
**pushbiking from macgregor to darra station via marooka, then from southbank to macgregor on the way back, via ekibin and being rained on.
**singing 'oh what a beautiful morning', bugs-bunny style, in the washroom at work. imagine that for a second.

to tell the truth i all but forgot about this thread, but next time i do somethign stupid i'll write something up.
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Little Jess

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Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:58 pm
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Sounds awesome, a review of soon-to-be camp?
Logic is for people who never dared to dream...

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Tue Dec 04, 2007 7:22 pm
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other day, nielsen, jess and i were walking past mcdonalds, along the footpath running by brisbane road. It was lunchtime.

Jess said, "I smell fish and chips."
I said, "It's the Fillet-o-fish burgers darl'."
Jess, apparently having not heard me, "I smell fish and chips, i want some."
Me, "It's a Fillet-o-fish burg - OH WOW, A COMB!" *bends over to pick up a black comb from the footpath*

a perfectly good comb, just lieing there, so i kept it.

that's unforeseen consequences for ya.
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Tue Dec 18, 2007 5:58 pm
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haha, you thought i'd forgotten about The Man that Thought He Was a Glass of Orange Juice.

stay tuned.
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Little Jess

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Tue Dec 18, 2007 6:05 pm
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*Stays on the edge of her seat*
Logic is for people who never dared to dream...

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