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Tue May 29, 2007 7:50 pm
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Very true.

Any other nominations for names?
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Tue May 29, 2007 7:54 pm
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Gary the Snail.
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Jr W

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Tue May 29, 2007 7:55 pm
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And you can call your firewall (if you use one...ew) Spongebob cause it soaks up stuff.
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Tue May 29, 2007 7:56 pm
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What a beautiful images result.

So beautfiul.
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Wed May 30, 2007 7:23 pm
PostPost subject: Reply with quote

Ok, deleted other blog entry.. just because.

30 May
"Foot in mouth, foot in mouth.."

Bronwyn and Thoih's Birthday tomorrow. Happy Birthday in advance.

Anyway, onto the wonder and meaningful blog of Penny [sarcasm]. Have you ever had a day, and its just so bad, seems like nobody cares, you got an E on your assignment, that type of thing. And then someone says something that just makes you go from sad to happy in a moment? I bet most of you have. But then.. have you ever had a day where its so great, everyones laughing at the jokes you make, saying great things, happy happy happy.. until something really NOT good happens, and your happiness level just goes ZZZZZ.

Yeah, I just had one of the latter.

I can be so stupid and naive sometimes, seriously (although I'm sure that you will take that seriously). Everything was great, happy, happy, happy. But then I just had to go and ruin it for myself, didn't i! Razz Us Redshaws might be smart when it comes to schoolwork (well.. most of us), but when it comes to anything else.. brain function = 0.

I want to break my arm. Then when I get a cast, I will paint a REALLY big picture all over it, and then no one will be able to sign it. That's right.

I need to get started on SOSE.
Looks like no Hungry Jacks for Penny tomorrow.

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Jr W

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Wed May 30, 2007 7:38 pm
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Good on ya Penny. I would also like a cast. Just up to the elbow though.
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Wed May 30, 2007 7:41 pm
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Or a metal cast. But underneath the normal cast. Then I can bonk people on the head and laugh.
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Jr W

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Wed May 30, 2007 8:06 pm
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Go into wrestling...Razz
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Thu May 31, 2007 5:06 pm
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Dearest Thoih. WARNING: Biggest blog.. ever!

Happy Birthday!

In celebration of this wonderful event, I'm going to write Penny's WOT (Wall Of Thanks). Saying individual thanks to all I think need it (or at least the ones on Thoih). Sorry for not making it to Hungrys.

To all of you: My friends are the second biggest thing in my life (second to God). Every single one of you have played an important part in my life, mostly just being there to have a laugh and even a serious talk at times. Without some of the things you've done, there's no way that I'd be the person that I am today. Not a chance. But since this is all very vague, I'm going to see how many people I can write individual thanks to (pretty much going down the member list on Thoih). If I didn't include you, its NOT because I don't like you, it's either because I don't know who you are, or me and you just don't talk very much.

Elle: This girl.. you are a legend. You are one of the best friends I have ever had in my entire life, there is no way that I can stretch that enough. You've been with me to laugh, to pray, to cry, to even give me the rare hug when I need it the most. If something's up, you'll be one of the first to ask me 'what's wrong'. Everyone needs a friend like you. You've never been the one to reject me. Ever since we stayed up till 4am at a youth sleepover, but before that I didn't even know you. Hah, I remember at the sleepover we talked about clowns and fat Canadians and paedophiles in white coats. I love you so so so much.

Wilkins: Oh man. You are one of the wisest people I know. I think the first time I met you was at youth, and you pretty much scared me to death lol. I don't remember when I first noticed it, but just when talking about the serious things.. God, Heaven, all that stuff.. you're so sincere. It's pretty darn hard to find that in people these days. Like.. you can be all messing around and stuff, but when someone's in need, you'll be there. And I love that about you, and I love you.

Walterss: I don't really know you as well as the other people that are on this list, so I can't write as long of a thingy. But from what I know about you, you are an extremely awesome person. I see the way you make everyone laugh and stuff, its pretty cool! Sorry I couldn't write anything longer, but yeah I love you too!

Shara: Haha, Shara you pothead. I know you don't come on here very often, but I'm going to write you a thing anyway. I don't remember when we started being friends, but I think it was the time that pretty much everyone hated you, lol. I remember last year, good times when all the teachers thought you, me and Elle were smoking pot in the toilets. Well.. I don't think they really thought that, as much as we tried to make them. You are really cool. I love you Shara!

Chris: Hey Chris. Remember when you had your big rant the other day? And I said that you never helped me with anything? I lied. Sorry about that, I only realized it when I was in bed thinking the other night. You helped me with one of the biggest issues in my life, yet I don't even think you know it. You gave me hope, in a time that I needed it most. If the whole Christianity thing didn't work out for you, I'm really sorry about that. Really. But.. when you got (or thought you got) saved at camp, you gave me so much hope. Hope for myself, hope for others. Thanks a lot Chris. I hope I can be there for you in the future. I love you.

Josh: Josh you are amazing. I used to be kind of scared of you for some odd reason that I can't remember, but ever since that wonderful camp that you went on in September last year, I have had so much admiration for you. At youth that first time after the camp, you put your hands up. You and Shane (and I think Elliot was at the camp too?). I remember the feeling of being able to worship my Lord and Savior, and not be ashamed whatsoever. My friends were there, staring at me as I raised my hands on got on my knees to the One I love the most. But their staring didn't affect me. Thank you so much Josh. I love you.

Shane: Oh Shane Shane Shane. You are also one of my best friends in the whole world! I don't even think you know this, but you are. When you came back from that camp in September, I remember that you said thankyou to me for supporting you. I can't remember what I said back, but I know what I wanted to say back. I wanted to say, "No Shane, thank you." You've been there for me. I don't know how much stress I can put on that, because sometimes that’s all that a person needs, someone to ask "Are you okay?" I can see God working in you. You've changed so much, and I am absolutely in awe. I love you Shane.

Ryan: Ha Ryan. You are a pretty funny guy. I don't know you as much as everyone else does, so I'm sorry I can't write a longer thank-you note. One of the things that amaze me about you is something that you said in the thread in Religion a few days ago.
" God created everything. From the wind in your face, to the grass on the ground. He created what noise we would hear if you clap your hands. He created the noises you hear of trees swaying, He created everything. Enough said." Just that you can say that. The simple trust. The faith. Thanks Ryan. I love you. And I’m sorry that half of this thank-you note is a quote Razz

Ben K: Hahaha Ben, you are funny. You are one of the funniest people I know, even if its just the simple act of farting after lights out at a sleepover. But then when it comes to something that you're serious about it, you are sincere. I know I say that to a lot of people, but in EVERY case I totally mean it. It's something amazing, and you should know that. Anyway, hope I can talk to you more in the future, even if it does involve you calling me Penis lol! I love you.

Penny: Lol. You tool. TO THOIH MEMBERS: Feel free to fill this in.

Elliott: Hi Elliott. Even if your bungee cord nearly murdered me today, I am so thankful for you. God has blessed you with wisdom, amongst many other things. We trekked up to the top of that quarry the other day, and that was pretty fun lol. We've had lots of good times, even if it was just praying in the cry room surrounded by angels (ok, that was PRETTY COOOOOOL!), or letting me borrow your praizenjeezus when I wasn't having a very good time at the youth sleepover. You are amazing. God will use you in an amazing way, I know it. I love you.

Eliza: You are one of my best friends at this current point in time. I say that because we pretty much only started talking properly about a week ago, lol! (Actually, a week and a day, but that doesn't matter.) Ever since you got saved, you, like Chris, gave me hope. I saw you so happy, and I still do. I didn't know you beforehand except for the occasional glimpse at school. I hope we continue to be good friends, and of course haxing our favourite toilets (CLETUS!!). I love you lots and lots.

Matthew/Nielsen: Haha, last one to join Thoih. That's why you're on the bottom, by the way. To everyone reading this: Matthew said he'd buy me a drink if I beat 1800 words on this blog. Please hold him to this! (Ha Matt, no getting out of it now.) Anyway. You are one of my best friends. Even if most of our conversationing does occur on MSN. You're pretty much always the first to ask 'how was your day?' and stuff like that. Even if I scream at you out of frustration, you just sigh and leave me alone. Wooh, you don't even yell back! Do it sometime, it's fun. Anyways, love you too.

Now. For the grand finale of this entry.

God: I love You so much. So much. I talk to You every day. You are my BEST friend, since that day at Youth Alive when I realized You were real. I used to wonder about what would happen when we died, and I had this whole thing set out that it would just be blackness. No thinking, no sight, just floating around as empty waste as nothing. Now, it was pretty great when I found out You got a whole place for me up there with You when I die! Kind of makes me want to die, but then I look around and see the amazing friends You've given me (read blog^^^!). I see the sunrises and sunsets, I see the flowers, trees, animals, even something as simple as my own backyard I see You everywhere. You did all of this for us. All of it. One day at Primary School, I spent three hours making a little matchstick plane. When I was done, I was pretty proud of it. You must've been pretty darn proud when You finished making all of this, huh? If it weren't for You.. I wouldn't be alive (but You know that story, so why tell it?). I wouldn't have the friends or parents that I have now. I wouldn't have anything. I love You.. and I will for eternity. I promise.

Oh yeah, I wouldn't mind if you people give me a smack around the head every time I think of giving up on everything. Seriously. Just don't let me. I need you all, every single one.

I love you, and I will continue to love you forever and ever.

Oh yeah, one more thing.

Thoih: I love you too, haha lol.

PS. To the people I didn't include, like Lukas and Adam, that's only because I don't talk to you at all. But you are still very awesome and I love you very much.

PPS. Matthew, you so owe me a drink.

EDIT: I just rang Matthew to tell him he owed me a drink, and found out that I actually have to have 1860 words! Oh no, what can I possibly do? Of course I'm going to hax it. Edits always work. Here we go. 1859 words. I'm going to go drink some juice.
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Thu May 31, 2007 5:20 pm
PostPost subject: Reply with quote

Thanks Very Happy Awesome post did Razz

*feels loved*

I love you penis! Smile
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Thu May 31, 2007 6:55 pm
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I forgot.

Robert: Haha, you are one of my best friends in grade 9. With all your bendiness and funniness etc, you are a pretty cool guy. I hope that you forgive me for this pretty sucky thankyou, because I'm hungry and tired Sad . Anyway, if you even get to read this, I love you Robert!
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Thu May 31, 2007 7:04 pm
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Homey....i was meant to type honey but it turned out homey...which is kinda gangsta. it could have been horney....but you know Razz

I love you muchly. (Cool for you i will (Cool

You are my shining star, the wife of my life. and the taste to my chocolate. hey that's pretty cool if i must say.

anyway. Big smiles. watch a good movie.

<3 u
Great news! I know what happened to Cinderella. She defeated the pirates. There was stabbing, slicing, torture, bleeding and they lived happily ever after!!! I LOVE HAPPY!!
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Thu May 31, 2007 7:20 pm
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Aw thank you Penny.
I love you too!

When I first met you, you didn't seem to want to know me... but I persisted, and look where it's got me. I do adore you, Penny, and our haxing toilets gimmick is frickin' rad.

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Thu May 31, 2007 7:34 pm
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Elle: I will watch a good movie if I get some chocolate. Haha, remember our movie prank? Oh that was fantastic. Silly boys they were. Wouldn't even take our paedophiliish chocolate. <3!

Eliza: Hahaha, I did want to know you. I'm just kind of shy around people I don't know too well.

The two reasons I wrote that was because one, I was bored to death of my stupid English assignment, and two, I like seeing other people happy, even if it takes me writing 1859+ words to see it Very Happy .
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Thu May 31, 2007 7:41 pm
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Ah what to say to so much love in this thread... how about I join in Very Happy I love you Penny, I'm proud to call you one of my best friends, if not the best. I could type and type and type and still not describe all the good things about you.

I don't care how many words you edited it to, you still did a great job, the drink's yours when you want it.
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Thu May 31, 2007 7:44 pm
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Hey what was awesome Penny!!! You are radical!

There's a hole in the earth...

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Mr Mittens

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Thu May 31, 2007 8:09 pm
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Penny you remind me of something i see each night. I look up at the night sky and i see the moon and stars. But you know that one bright star that stands out the most for all of the right reasons? That star is you.

Penny, you are one of the most compasionate, most amazing, most beautiful human beings i have ever met bar none and it feels great! Even though you want to thank me, i want to thank you. I want to thank you for all of those times that you have inspired me and most of the time you didn't even notice!

I'm not going to mince words here, without you i would not be in the place that i am now with religion. I remember soon after 'that september day' we had youth and me and Josh got into the songs. During the Stand i saw you go on your knees and it just made me burst into tears instantly. Whenever i hear that song or i feel down... i remember that moment and it makes me smile on the inside.

You've touched me, and you've touched so many others in such a way that you don't even realise.

You may not think all of this but it is nothing short of the truth. It is an honor to call you one of my best friends. Whenever you're feeling down, me, Elle, and freaking everyone will ALWAYS be there for you.

Penny, we love you.
Penny, i love you.
You used to be like my twin Very Happy
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Thu May 31, 2007 8:15 pm
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Crying or Very sad

^^happy tears

Penny is allowed to cry happy, right? Thank you so much Shane. I've got one of those little smiles, you know, the one that says 'I can't believe it.'
Thank you, very very very much.

Love you too.
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Fri Jun 01, 2007 10:27 pm
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1 June
"That was cooooooool."

Youth Alive. Was absolutely fantastic. Happy happy happy. I just have to say, that after tonight, I am absolutely sure that I know every single tiny little bit of the song, "The Stand". Razz We really need some new music, lol. But at least most of the songs were songs we knew.

God is so good.

Yay. Smile
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Fri Jun 01, 2007 10:31 pm
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I took Robbie home and he wouldn't shut up, the YA crew broke him Razz or fixed him depending how you look at it.
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Sat Jun 02, 2007 2:12 pm
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2nd June.

Just finished wrapping Elle's present.
Mwahaha. Bwahahahaha.

Anyway, will write more after youth. It's only me and Dad and Danny in the house. I'm going midget hunting! Cool
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That Guy

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Sat Jun 02, 2007 8:21 pm
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lol thanks for the love penny still reading everything tryna get my reaserch going lol tryna read most of the im potant stuf

shutup neilson i didnt get broken of fixed i just got happy thats the praizenjeezus happy
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I am Mario!

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Sat Jun 02, 2007 11:05 pm
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Awaits very long and awesome post for today...

Hey Penny, finally read your blog, took me like an hour Razz.

Thanks about all that stuff you said, let me just say that there's something about you that just makes me happy. Whenever I'm bored at lunch I know I can go over, talk to you and annoy your friends. You have God in you, I can see Him, and so can everyone else, let him show a bit more Very Happy .
Just Joshin'!

I love my princess!

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Sun Jun 03, 2007 8:16 am
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3 June.
"No quote yet, you idiot! Gosh."

I am feeling really floaty this morning. Last night took its effect on me good and bad. Floaty is good. Tired is not. As I take another look around at last night's posts.. can ANYONE else see it?! I really think there is any way to describe it really. Just.. the love. Amazing things happened last night. And they are GOING to keep happening.

Um. Can I just ask all the Christians what they think about something? What would mean more to God, two saved souls, or one, with 'added bonuses' so to speak?
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Mr Mittens

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Sun Jun 03, 2007 4:18 pm
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I'm not sure what added bonuses you mean, but i would say two saved.
Every person that is not saved is a person that is going to a bad place so preference on numbers over quality?
You used to be like my twin Very Happy
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Sun Jun 03, 2007 4:33 pm
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That's what I thought, cheers. I'd explain the situation but it's too hard to put into words. (FYI: 'added bonuses' meant tongues)

Anyway. Robert came over today. We worked on assignment (ha!), along with trying to bounce each other off the trampoline, messing around with the mould on the bottom of my pool, and destroying some table I found in my sand pit with some deadly looking garden tools. All we achieved on the assignment was a sad man mask and a painting with a dead cow on it. Aren't we creative. Yeah and we had a talk about how he wants to get out of his house and stuff.

I'm going to Pring St tonight. I'm only allowed to go once a month mum said, haha, probably because of the time it uses that i'm meant to be studying in, hahaha. Not fair either, I want God *starts chant*.

Anyway, your sick of my rambling.

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Sun Jun 03, 2007 4:41 pm
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Nah we're not, well I'm not at least.

Sounds like you had a good afternoon. Sucks about the once a month, we need to take over Pring St Razz
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Sun Jun 03, 2007 8:24 pm
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3 June
Mood: Very Happy / Crying or Very sad <- ha, opposites much?

Tonight was fantastic.

Anyway, I've been thinking a bit lately.. about the choice that God gives us. Bing, there's another sign to show how much he loves us, he gives us a choice. No one can force you to praise God with all your heart, no one can force you to pray and mean it. I'm thinking that God wants people who mean it. But that's not the point.. the point is that its so easy. All it takes is a simple "yes" to asking him into your life. You don't need to be at a Planetshakers, or a Youth Camp, or even Church.. all you have to do is say "yes" and mean it. I mean, come on. That's pretty cool.

I'd rather live my whole life like God is real and find out He isn't.. then live my whole life like God isn't real and find out He is.

It's so.. unbelievably simple.

He loves you. Yes, you. The one who thinks its not possible. The one who thinks it can't be real.

All those fights about what love really is, if someone really loves someone else, how can you know that love is real.. it doesn't compare. It can't. Not to the feeling you get when you find out that there is someone up there that cares. That loves you. Even though this world can make you feel so insignificant, somebody gives a damn about you. All you have to do is say "yes".


PS. I think this may be more to myself than anyone else. But feel free to read.
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Jr W

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Sun Jun 03, 2007 8:30 pm
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A contender for Post Of The Year right there. Seriously. Penny if you don't get an award this year, I will be sad.
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Sun Jun 03, 2007 8:48 pm
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That was beautiful Penny.
Posts like that make me even more certain that you are a pure soul and shows me just how amazing you really are.

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